Tips and Tricks to Play Sky: Children of Light

Stardew Valley is a game that is available on Windows, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game can be played on Steam, GoG, or the Nintendo Switch store.
This article will be about Tips and Tricks to Play Stardew Valley, where I will show you how to start the game, get the best benefits, make friends, marry someone, and grow your farm. This is my first guide, but I do have some experience with the game, and I hope to use it to help you have the best start you can have.
Tip 1: Harvest
First of all, Harvesting is the MOST important thing in the game, so try to focus on that. There are no time limits in the game, so take your time, and don't forget to sleep.
Tip 2: Make sure that you have a solid schedule
It's easy to get distracted, and you don't want to be wasting a whole day on something that isn't important. For instance, if you're trying to build up your crops for Summer, then don't spend all day fishing. Make sure that the things that you're doing will move you forward.
Tip 3: Patience is the key
There are times when you will get frustrated, but you can't give up. Even if it takes you 2 hours to gather enough materials, do it. You will be thankful later.
Tip 4: Stockpile
You'll find that there are a lot of things that you can't afford to buy. This is why you need to do some preparation. Make sure that you have a good amount of storage for your crops, for instance, and that you have enough materials to build something on your farm.
I would recommend that you make a habit of stocking up on certain things, especially before a festival or something like that.
Tip 5: Don’t forget about the bulletin board
If you can't find the items you want, don't forget to check the town's bulletin board. You can find many items there.
Tip 6: Make a network of friends
The world of Stardew Valley is one big community for you to make friends with. The people around you are nice and friendly. They are always willing to help you out in whatever predicament you are in. You can make friends by talking to them, completing their tasks and by giving them gifts.
Tip 7: Play the mini-games.
You can play the mini-games like Crab Toss, Bug Catching, Fishing, Mining and even Fight Monsters. You can win gold coins and golden items by playing these games.
Tip 8: Make a money tree
You can make a money tree by planting a money bag and then watering it for 10 days. You can get 1,000 gold coins on the 10th day.
Tip 9: Visit the casino
The Casino is located in the town of Pelican Town, and if you want to make some money, head over there. You can play slots, poker, or blackjack to make some money.
Tip 10: Don't forget to save
While the game autosaves, it is a good idea to save your game manually once in a while. If you die or sell something you don't want, you can reload an earlier save.
The Bottom Line
In the end, Stardew Valley is one of the best and enjoyable games played. You can't get bored only with this game, you can even enjoy it for hours. Stardew Valley is totally worth downloading, and I'm sure you will never regret it.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave a comment, and I will answer your question to the best of my ability.